Introduction to Holistic Lifestyle Class
  • Understand How Body Systems Work Together
  • Bring Awareness to your Biggest Health Concerns 
  • Find Any Underlying Emotionally Rooted Problems 

Would You Like to Become Certified in Raindrop & Vitaflex?

Raindrop Technique 
Used for the purpose of:
-detoxifying body systems
-pain relief
-emotional release
-lymphatic flushing
-overall wellness maintenance
Learn Raindrop

Take 2 Days of Training in 

"The Organic Chemistry of Essential Oils"

Organic Chemistry of Essential Oils

2 days of isoprenes, phenols, sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes, arrangements of electrons, and more

  • What is a chemotype?
  • How many ways are plant oils distilled and what are they?
  • What makes up an isoprene unit?
  • How do essential oils scrub receptor sites on cell membranes in the human body?
  • What deletes incorrect DNA mutations?
  • How do oils heal?
  • What do synthetic hormones do to our bodies and what can we use instead?
  • What does iatrogenic mean and why does it matter?

You will answer these questions and a whole lot more!

Learn Organic Chemistry

Hormones and Health

How To Use Essential Oils for Supporting Your Hormone Health




Hormone and Health Coaching
with Amelia
Get ready to flip that switch and find your BALANCE!
Female Hormone 
Balance Protocol Coaching

-find the protocol for your body type 
(menstruating, fertility seeking, pregnant, postpartum, libido, menopause)

-find the right nutritional supportive foods

-learn how to use water to detoxify your body

-understand your body systems to support overall health

Male Hormone 
Balance Protocol Coaching

-find the protocol for your body type
(males in puberty, fertility seeking, libido, exercise training, older men)

-find the right nutritional supportive foods

-learn how to use water to detoxify your body

-understand your body systems to support overall health


© Amelia Lasky 2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED