Neuroauricular Technique for Hearing Loss
Has your hearing been off? Can you tell that one side is different than the other? Read this case study I recently experienced and see if these things may work for you. For full list of procedure and essential oils used, leave a comment or use this form to contact me: 

Recent case study: 
38 yo male presents with left sided hearing loss for three days that presented after sleeping in a new bed and in different positions which resulted in neck stiffness and hearing loss. 

Four essential oils were used:
& A blend of antibacterial oils in case it was infection related. 

1. Application of all four essential oils in PSM order (phenols sesquiterpene, and monoterpene). 
The application was from the base of the chin, under and behind the maxilla and up and behind the mastoid bone. This application was done three times with each oil. 
The application with index finger of each oil into the outer ear canal until a “squishy” feeling was felt. 
2. The ear vitalfex was performed on client one time and then application of the four oils was done again. 
3. Lastly, the four oils were applied to the upper back (c1-t3)  with light massage. The Neuro Auricular Technique was used from C7 upwards to the base of the skull. 
4. The client was prepared to sleep and had a full 7 hours of sleep. 
5. In speaking with the client later that day after waking at 6am, working from 7-3 pm, the client stated that the hearing had been restored. 


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