Hello Friend! If you have been waiting for an answer to your thyroid issues, it is time.
Your time for healing is HERE!
The Thyroid is often the underrated organ of the endocrine system and it needs lots of love so that it can work hard and with vigor. Males and Females can all have thyroid disfunction, but
Thyroid health coaching with Amelia will give you a 4 week program that includes:
1 thyroid supplement package
1 call (1 hour) per week
1:1 support in a private facebook group
This course will give you the hands on tools to apply the oils, the affirmations to speak life into your thyroid, and the accountability to work on yourself at home, in the privacy of your own space, without the judgement of the health care industry.
You will also receive specific information on how to add Thyroid supporting foods to your diet, quick and short workouts that support the mobilization of fats (where hormone disruptors are stored) and how to quickly remove the endocrine disruptors from your lifestyle.
For only $555 (or 3 payments of $222), you can work with me and we can get your Thryoid on track. Ready? Click here to join and I will message you to get you on the call schedule!
IF you are already in my Oily Organization (on my team) then your prices are different, so please message me for more details. If you want to join my organization, then please click here and become a member!
This offer will only be around for the month of July, and then it will be taken off the table and return to regular 1:1 coaching prices ($1111/month)
I know personally how hard it has been to get my life on track with thyroid disease. From 18-23 i was on thyroid medication, until my body began rejecting it and I developed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I was focused on fixing my body with natural causes and after 7 years without meds, i know my body has done it!! Now, I am COMMITTED to learning how to support as many other people that I can so they too do not have to suffer with Thyroid Dis-Ease.
You are WORTHY! The time for your healing is NOW!
With Love and Blessings,